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Isaiah 6:8  (NIV)

"Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, “Whom should I send? Who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here am I. Send me!”


Mission Opportunties

Whether it's a life changing mission to Uganda or Rwanda, hosting a fund raiser in your local community, or providing services to better the lives in our sponsored communities, following the call of Christ to spread His love is a step of servitude.





















If you are reading this, then we assume that you have been called, or are at least seriously considering a call, to serve in Africa. Consider yourself blessed by the Lord, as you are preparing to embark (or are seriously considering embarking) on a journey that will reach into the deepest parts of your heart and soul. We are 100% certain that if you follow God’s lead to serve the poor and orphans in Uganda, your life will be changed forever. If you are a bit uncertain about what lies ahead, be encouraged and excited as God’s gracious favor, along with planning and preparation, will help ensure a successful mission.  


We believe that mission trips should be about building long term relationships with a small number of communities and that participating in a Spirit filled mission trip to Uganda will result in an experience from which you will leave feeling more contented, rewarded and yes, possibly exhausted than you could ever imagine. Applications are being accepted now for short-term mission trips to Uganda for 2020. These trips can range from one to three weeks and are open to individuals, families or small groups. Email us at or click on the Contact button to request more information or to receive the application. 

             For information about our Mission Trips to Uganda or Rwanda, click here


Proverbs 19:17  ESV

“Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will repay him for his deed."

Fundraisers come in all shapes and sizes. You can do a lot on your own, but imagine what you can accomplish with the help of others. 


The first step for every successful fundraiser is to prayerfully consider what need you would like to help meet. Some examples might be helping provide clean water to a village, installing playground equipment for a poor school that doesn't have any, purchasing medicines or eyeglasses for a village dental or vision clinic, providing school supplies for students, buying a pig or goat for a sponsored student or even sponsoring a child to go to school for a year. 


After your fundraising purpose is clear, the next step is to think of fun or creative ways to engage your favorite organization, church group, team, school or work place in a fundraiser. A fundraiser can be as simple as having a group car wash, or an awareness penny drive (where team members compete to see who can collect the most donations of change from their neighbors, friends and family members), or it can be a more complex event such as hosting a 5k race. Whatever you choose to do, ask God to bless it and have faith that He will meet the need you have identified. 


Once you have decided what type of fundraiser you will have, set a fundraising goal, sign up your business, school, church group, team, or organization and begin to fundraise. Just remember, that every amount you raise will be greatly appreciated. 


Emma, one of our most faithful supporters, set a goal to raise money to buy a goat for a sponsored student and asked her friends to help by bringing donations instead of birthday gifts to her 13th birthday party. Her friends got excited about the project and helped her raise enough money to provide five goats for sponsored students. 


Raising the money is just half the fun, as soon as the project you supported is underway, we will send you photos so you can see the children and community members you helped. 

© 2024 by LIL

PO BOX 513, Pea Ridge, AR 72751
Phone: 1-479-222-0547


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